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PASADENA, JANUARY 16, 2012 --  Eleven years ago on Martin Luther King Day the Pasadena Recovery Center opened it's doors and admitted it's first client.  Founded by psychiatrist Dr. Lee Bloom, his daughter, Alison Triessl and his son, Michael Bloom, the Pasadena Recovery Center has always been dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive and affordable treatment to those suffering from chemical dependency.  Today marked the center's 11th anniversary and to celebrate the occasion a special luncheon was held.  Distinguished guest speakers Dr. David Smith, founder of the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic and noted expert on addiction, and Dr. Matthew Torrington discussed advances in addiction treatment with 50 plus guests who gathered at the center.  

David E. Smith, MD, FASAM, FAACT, has been pivotal in gaining acceptance for the concept of addiction as a disease, and is a Fellow and Past President of the American Society for Addiction Medicine and a Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology. He is an inaugural Diplomate of the American Board of Addiction Medicine, and serves as Chair of Adolescent Addiction Treatment at Newport Academy, Medical Director of Center Point, and Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He is the founder of the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic.  Dr. Smith has authored and co-authored over 350 professional articles and over two dozen books, including It’s So Good, Don’t Even Try It Once: Heroin in PerspectiveThe Physician’s Guide to Psychoactive Drugs, Drugfree: A Unique, Positive Approach to Staying Off Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Clinician’s Guide to Substance Abuse. He is the founder and publisher of The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.

Pasadena Recovery Center is a leader in the field of treating clients with dual diagnosis - individuals suffering from chemical dependency and other emotional or behavioral issues.  The center offers inpatient and outpatient treatment programs as well as a comprehensive family program.  

TV viewers may recognize the Pasadena Recovery Center as the backdrop for Vh1's hit reality series "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew."  All 5 seasons of the series were filmed on location at the center and the just announced 6th season will also be filmed here this summer.

For more information please visit

Photos by Valerie Allen
L-R  Michael Bloom, Alison Triessl, Mrs. Tobie Bloom, Dr. David Smith


  1. Congratulation to your success. May you continue to be one of the best drug treatment center in Pasadena.

  2. For any of this worth, a Pasadena Rehab and recovery would always play a vital role on the patients' lives.

  3. What a success! I am pretty sure that a lot of people in Pasadena are thankful for having your organization. In Pasadena, rehab has been a woderful journey.


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